The vExpert 2013 applications are now open – apply now


Applications are now open here:


The vExpert 2013 applications are now open. This is a great group to be a part of, so if you have been an active contributor to the VMware community, I highly recommend applying! There are three tracks you can follow though for application, so follow the link above for more information and guidance on applying. This last year I was lucky enough to be awarded the title, and I hope to be able to retain it this year – as such I have been blogging as regularly as possible and have also released some cool little utilities, scripts and other bits and pieces to the community. Hopefully this will all pay off and I will be able to retain vExpert status through 2013 🙂

Over the past year, John Troyer has done a sterling job keeping the group going and organising events and other collateral, so much thanks go to him and the other vExperts who have of course helped out where possible.

Good luck on the applications and don’t forget to keep contributing. This is what makes the community stronger!

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