Three PowerCLI scripts for information gathering – VMs, Hosts, etc


I was on a vSphere upgrade review engagement recently, and part of this involved checking hardware and existing vSphere VI was compatible with the targeted upgrade.

To help myself along, I created a few PowerCLI scripts to help with information gathering to CSV for the VI parts – such as Host Versions, build numbers, VMware tools and hardware versions, etc… These scripts were built to run once-off, simply either by copy/pasting them into your PowerCLI console, or by running them from the PowerCLI console directly.

They can easily be adapted to collect other information relating to VMs or hosts. To run, just launch PowerCLI, connect to the VC in question (using Connect-VIServer) and then copy/paste these into the console. The output will be saved to CSV in the directory you were in. Just make sure you unblock the zip file once downloaded if you execute them directly from PowerCLI, otherwise the copy/paste option mentioned above will work fine too.

There are three scripts bundled in the zip file:

  • Gather all hosts under the connected vCenter server and output Host name, Model and Bios version results to PowerCLI window and CSV
  • Gather all hosts under the connected vCenter server and output Host name, Version and Build version results to PowerCLI window and CSV
  • Gather all hosts under the specified DC and output VM name and hardware version results to PowerCLI window and CSV

Short and simple scripts, but hopefully they will come in handy to some. As mentioned above, these can easily be extended to fetch other information about items in your environment. Just take a look at the way existing info is fetched, and adapt from there. Also remember that using | gm (get-member) on objects in PowerShell is your friend – you can discover all the properties and methods on PowerShell objects by using this, and use those to enhance your reports/outputs in your scripts.

[wpdm_package id=’2025′]


Figuring out what build of ESX or ESXi VMware Tools maps to for VMs using PowerCLI


This evening I was spending a bit of extra time checking through various components of a vSphere 4 installation to see what was compatible with ESXi 5 and what was not. As you would expect VMware Tools and Hardware needs to be checked for Virtual Machine compatibility with ESXi 5. There are plenty of scripts in PowerCLI out there that will show you how to determine the VMware Tools version, but this is always reported back as a four digit “cryptic” number, which doesn’t make much sense unless you go look it up.


In my quest to make this easier, I wrote a quick PowerCLI Function that will report back with some (hopefully) helpful information – it lists the Virtual Machine, Virtual Machine Tools version number as well as what version of ESX or ESXi + the update level that version of VMware Tools maps to. In my quest to make this easier for myself, I stumbled across this VMware Version mapping-file. Within it, contained the answers to the various VMware Tools version “codes” that were easy enough to retrieve with PowerCLI. My function simply does a quick check to see if the Tools number on a VM matches any of these codes and then lists the mapped version of ESX(i) corresponding to the code next to the VM.


So without going on in any further detail, here is an example of the output from a cluster I ran my function on (interesting I spot an ESX 3.5 VMware Tools VM in there!):



I think this will be a very useful little Function to have handy for these kinds of checks – especially larger infrastructures where VM tools are not known to be 100% up to date! The great thing about this is you can pipe in VMs. In the example above, I have grabbed all the VMs in a certain cluster and checked those using Get-Cluster and Get-VM, piping the output of those cmdlets to my Get-VMToolsMapped Function. Here is the script download:


[download id=”12″]


# Mapping file found at:
# Content of mapping file as of 08/03/2012:

Function Get-VMToolsMapped() {

 Get-VMToolsMapped -VM MYVMNAME

PS F:\> Get-VMToolsMapped MYVMNAME

PS F:\> Get-VM | Get-VMToolsMapped

PS F:\> Get-Cluster "CLUSTERNAME" | Get-VM | Get-VMToolsMapped


Created by: Sean Duffy
Date: 08/03/2012

[Parameter(Position=0,Mandatory=$true,HelpMessage="Specify the VM name you would like to query VMware Tools info for.",

process {

$Report = @()
New-VIProperty -Name ToolsVersion -ObjectType VirtualMachine -ValueFromExtensionProperty '' -Force

$VMInfo = Get-VM $VM | Select Name, ToolsVersion
Switch ($VMInfo.ToolsVersion) {
	8389 {$ESXMapping = "esx/5.0u1"}
	8384 {$ESXMapping = "esx/5.0"}
	8300 {$ESXMapping = "esx/4.1u2"}
	8295 {$ESXMapping = "esx/4.1u1"}
	8290 {$ESXMapping = "esx/4.1"}
	8289 {$ESXMapping = "esx/4.1"}
	8288 {$ESXMapping = "esx/4.1"}
	8196 {$ESXMapping = "esx/4.0u4 or esx/4.0u3"}
	8195 {$ESXMapping = "esx/4.0u2"}
	8194 {$ESXMapping = "esx/4.0u1"}
	8193 {$ESXMapping = "esx/4.0"}
	7304 {$ESXMapping = "esx/3.5u5"}
	7303 {$ESXMapping = "esx/3.5u4"}
	7302 {$ESXMapping = "esx/3.5u3"}
	default {$ESXMapping = "Unknown"}

$row = New-Object -Type PSObject -Property @{
   		Name = $VMInfo.Name
		ToolsVersion = $VMInfo.ToolsVersion
		ESXMapping = $ESXMapping
$Report += $row
return $Report



PS – big thanks to @alanrenouf and @jonathanmedd for pointing out the much more efficient PowerShell “Switch” statement – I have updated the script above to use this and saved quite a few lines of code in the process.