VMware vSphere community (free) health check options

I recently did a presentation at the South West VMUG on VMware vSphere community (free) health check options. In my presentation I covered some of the options available out there at the moment such as:

  • vCheck (vSphere plugins)
  • vGhetto health check script
  • Miscellaneous PowerCLI / PowerShell options
Starting off the session in style - Intro in mspaint, running under Windows 3.1
Starting off the session in style – Intro in mspaint, running under Windows 3.1


The second half of my presentation I dived into a live PowerCLI and PowerShell demo where I demonstrated some PowerCLI basics to get any kind of information out of your vSphere environment using some of the core cmdlets. I demonstrated use of the core PowerCLI cmdlets used for retrieving VM, Host and Datastore information, how to use the pipeline in PowerShell, and taking a look at all properties on any PS object using the Get-Member cmdlet on the pipeline.

After covering these basics, I took a blank vCheck plugin template, and showed how easy it is to create your own custom plugins for vCheck should you find that the existing plugins don’t cover everything you need.

I’ve got a link to download the slides for the presentation below, and hopefully I’ll be able to find a recording of the PowerCLI / PowerShell live demo I did to attach to this post as a follow up.


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If you’re based in the South West of the UK, be sure to check out and attend the next SW VMUG meeting!


vPi – a Raspberry Pi for VMware presentation on vBrownBag EMEA

Last week I hosted a session talking about vPi. vPi is an image for the Raspberry Pi based on Raspbian, specifically targeted at VMware integration. Many great things can be done with this solution, including some very nifty automation, scripting and reporting.

The session was hosted on the weekly vBrownBag EMEA webinar. Take a look at the embedded Vimeo video below to watch through. Here is a basic breakdown of what the session covers:

  • Introduction / about
  • Basic intro to Raspberry Pi
  • Basic intro to vPi
  • Live demo
    • Demonstration of various VMware utilities included with vPi, such as ESXCLI, the RVC fling, vmkfstools, etc…
    • Very cool provisioning script demo using Python and Perl to deploy Virtual Machines by users sending a simple e-mail through to a designated mailbox (audience participation)
    • Quick demo of a home automation script that integrates with Foursquare, Facebook, and local Weather channels to announce various statuses/states
  • Conclusion

Remember to switch to HD mode so you can read the text in the presentation and PuTTy session I had open. Also a big thanks to Gregg Robertson (co-worker and fellow saffa) for inviting me to present on last week’s vBrownBag EMEA session.




Slides are available for download here, but it probably makes more sense to check the whole presentation out on Vimeo, as the demo is the bulk of the session:

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